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Mathematics for Engineers

Mathematics for Engineers
Author: Anthony Croft, Robert Davison
publisher :Pearson
ISBN 10 :1292253649
ISBN 13 :
page Number : 1285
file size : 29 MB




This book has been written to serve the mathematical needs of students engaged in a first course in engineering or technology at degree level. Students of a very wide range of these programmes will find that the book contains the mathematical methods they will meet in a first-year course in most UK universities. So the book will satisfy the needs of students of aeronautical, automotive, chemical, civil, electronic and electrical, systems, mechanical, manufacturing, and production engineering, and other technological fields. Care has been taken to include illustrative examples from these disciplines where appropriate.


The content of the book reflects that taught to first-year engineering and technology students in the majority of UK universities. However, particular care has been taken to develop algebraic skills from first principles and to give students plenty of opportunity to practise using these. It is our firm belief, based on recent experience of teaching engineering undergraduates, that many will benefit from this material because they have had insufficient opportunity in their previous mathematical education to develop such skills fully. Inevitably the choice of contents is a compromise, but the topics covered were chosen after wide consultation coupled with many years of teaching experience. Given the constraint of space we believe our choice is optimal.

We have been delighted with the positive response to Mathematics for Engineers since it was first published in 1998. In writing this fifth edition we have been guided and helped by the numerous comments from both staff and students. For these comments we express our thanks.

This fifth edition has been enhanced by the addition of numerous examples from even wider fields of engineering. Applicability lies at the heart of engineering mathematics. We believe these additional examples serve to reinforce the crucial role that
mathematics plays in engineering. We hope that you agree. Following useful suggestions from reviewers we have added new sections to cover the equation of a circle, locus of a point in the complex plane and solution of partial differential equations. We have enhanced and integrated the use of software in the solution of engineering problems.