the Reade Festschrift
In Context: the Reade Festschrift
October 23, 2023
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November 6, 2023

Reverse Osmosis: Industrial Processes and Applications

Reverse Osmosis
Author: Jane Kucera
publisher :Wiley-Scrivener, Year: 2023
ISBN 10 :1119724740
ISBN 13 :‎‎‎9781119724742
page Number : 671
file size : 279 MB




Reverse osmosis (RO) is the world’s leading demineralization technology. It is used to provide clean water for potable and ultrapure uses as well as to treat wastewater for recycle or reuse. Regardless of the application or industry, the basics of RO are the same. This book provides the reader with in-depth knowledge about RO basics for any application.

This third edition is completely updated, still covering the basics of RO but with new insights as to how to optimize performance. Sections of the book cover the history of RO, membrane and transport model development, pretreatment to minimize membrane deposition and damage, effective cleaning and troubleshooting methods, and data collection and analysis. A new section was added that provides detail about RO and water sustainability. Alternative membrane materials and high-recovery RO are some of the topics included in this new section.

Topics are presented in clear and concise language with enough depth to enhance comprehension. The reader will walk away with a new understanding of the topics covered in the book, thereby enabling them to optimize their own RO systems. Engineers and consultants will be able to design or troubleshoot RO systems more effectively. This book is the complete and definitive guide to RO for all persons concerned with RO systems.