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The Concise Guide to Economics, Third Edition

The Concise Guide to Economics
Author: Jim Cox
publisher : Ludwig von Mises Institute
ISBN 10 :1933550155
ISBN 13 :
page Number : 126
file size :  12 MB


To understand economics is to understand the practical case for freedom. The Concise Guide To Economics is a handy, quick reference guide for those already familiar with basic economics, and a brief, compelling primer for everyone else. Jim Cox introduces topics ranging from entrepreneurship, money, and inflation to the consequences of price controls (which are bad) to price gouging (which is good). Along the way, he defends the crucial role of advertising, speculators, and heroic insider traders. The book combines straightforward, common sense analysis with hard-core dedication to principle, using the fewest words possible to explain the topic clearly. And each brief chapter includes references to further reading so those who are curious to dig deeper will know where to look next. The Concise Guide makes a great gift to those who misunderstand the case for free-market capitalism.


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